Elements of Effective Exploration

During out-of-body exploration we confront many interesting experiences; these include vibrational state fears, thought forms, self made and external energy creations, contact with non-physical inhabitants and countless other issues. However, the single most pervasive issue we experience is our own indoctrinated mindset and state of consciousness. Our ability to effectively explore thought responsive realities is often blocked by our own conscious and subconscious mind.

During every experience we carry with us our individual mental baggage including our subconscious fears and limits. Over the years I have come to realize that this is a critical issue that is seldom addressed.  The following perceptions are the result of my four decades of out-of body experiences and this knowledge has greatly assisted me in my personal explorations and my daily life. The enclosed list is my personal reality precepts.


34 Points of clarity


I am pure consciousness. I possess no form or three-dimensional structure. I have the ability to manifest and use different energy forms for my expression and education. I realize I am not humanoid nor any other form based concept.


I am immortal, creative and powerful; nothing seen or unseen can harm me or block my path.


I shape, mold and interpret all realities. I create my reality both in and out of body. I accept complete personal responsibility for my energy creations. I’m the creative writer, director and actor in every drama I experience. My consciousness uses form like a master puppeteer.


I am an explorer of consciousness. I seek the answers to life’s mysteries and refuse to settle for manmade beliefs or conclusions. By expanding my explorations inward beyond all form based realities I possess the innate ability to obtain the answers.


I remain open to my unlimited potential and detached and independent from all man-made beliefs, religions and consensus reality conclusions. I am not a member of any group or religion. The truth is not manmade.


I perceive with my consciousness. My natural perception is 360 degrees. I remain alert that I actively color, shape and mold my perceptions of reality. All the realities I encounter are interpreted by my mind. My consciousness is highly interactive in all energy environments.


I reject the entire premise of beliefs. I can only truly know something based upon my personal experience. The key to self-knowledge is to expand my experience and not my beliefs. I realize that false and distorted beliefs create the blocks I experience. I jettison all manmade beliefs and refuse to be a mental slave to the consensus mindset in any reality. Attaching my mind to manmade conclusions and beliefs acts to distort my perception and blocks my progress. I aggressively examine and purge all non-confirmed conclusions, concepts, ideas, and beliefs from my mind. The lighter I am the further inward I experience.


I accept, embrace and enjoy the vibrational state and all the associated OBE related energy phenomena. I surrender it; I allow it to expand through every layer of my being. I love the intensity and variety of the vibrational state. During all altered states and vibrational state phenomena I remain completely calm and non analytical. I allow the energies to expand through me.


OBEs are natural and essential for my spiritual growth. My conscious OBEs dramatically accelerate my personal growth. I am open to and expect profound experiences.


I create and maintain a designated out-of-body exploration area in my home separate from the bedroom. I expect results in this focused environment.


I possess no limits; I can move, expand and express my conscious awareness without limit. I create the limits or blocks that I experience so I can dissolve them.


I control and prolong my OBEs and my state of consciousness by using focused powerful commands; Awareness Now! Higher Self Now!  Clarity Now! etc.


I demand to experience my Higher Self whenever possible. I expect immediate results and clear answers now! As much as possible I surrender to my Higher Self, my inner guidance. I trust my Higher Self for I am my guide.


I currently maintain and operate a personal energy vehicle (body) on every dimension of the multidimensional universe. I have the natural ability to shift my conscious awareness throughout these energy bodies and experience and explore without limit. I travel the path within me. I travel the entire multidimensional universe within myself. External motion and forms are unnecessary. The direct path and expressway to self-knowledge and self-realization is within me


To the best of my ability I identify, confront and resolve my fears both in and out of the body. I fully realize that my fears will manifest as form based during my OBEs. I actively seek to dissolve all the energy blocks I experience.


I remain calm in the face of intense energy shifts and manifestations. To the best of my ability I remain detached and neutral to the various energies that I encounter, mold or create. As much as possible I am the objective, dispassionate observer of the unfolding imagery, concepts, forms and dramas that I experience.


All form-based realities are temporary energy structures. Form is created and shaped by consciousness and function as vehicles and expressions of consciousness. I seek to experience and comprehend the Source of all realities.


The key to initiating conscious OBEs is daily practice with persistent and focused intention.


Attempting to comprehend and navigate the multidimensional universe using any man made conclusion, belief system or religion as a guide leads only to extreme self-delusion, blocks and deception. I follow my inner wisdom, my higher self.


To uncover the truth of my existence I must explore beyond the facade of form. True reality and answers exist beyond the three dimensional energy forms of the astral and physical dimensions. I experience the higher realities deep within me.


I am open and expect new and enlightening experiences both in and out of body. I encourage and embrace radical and rapid change. I remain completely open to experience accelerated personal growth. Mental stagnation and rigid thought is not an option.


The key to accurate perception and answers is to examine and cleanse the lens of my mind so I am free from the false beliefs and consensus self-deception that dominates all form based realities. Clear perception is essential and my complete responsibility.


The answers are always present; it is I that creates and maintains any blocks that I experience. I take full responsibility for my life and my experiences both in and out of my body.


My experiences both in and out of body provide the lessons I designed for my education. I always dig for the unseen reason and purpose behind my experiences.


During all OBEs I inwardly demand “Awareness Now!” often and I expect immediate results. I consciously magnify and intensify my intentions. I know I possess unlimited creative power and expect instant results and clear answers. “Awareness Now” is my focused intention and my silent mantra.


I have the ability to navigate, observe and explore the entire timeline. All is now.


I focus on the now for I can only create and manipulate my reality in the present moment. Now is the focal point of all my creative energy. My access to immense creative power dwells in the now.


I confirm the authenticity of all the life forms and realities I encounter; I assume nothing and question everything. I look beyond the dense façade for I realize that form is not reality; it is but an expression and tool of consciousness


I realize I must jettison all of my preset mental judgments; this includes all the human concepts I take for granted including good and evil, ugly and beautiful, right and wrong. True reality has no opposites, no judgments.


I recognize the importance of transcending all external modes and methods of perception and this includes the powerful perception tool of my mind. This is essential in order to truly perceive and experience objective reality and experience my higher self.


I have found it extremely helpful to maintain a detailed OBE and dream journal. It helps to condition and open my mind to accept and experience multiple realities.


Confronting and dissolving the energy manifestations of my own fears, limits and blocks is essential for my spiritual growth. There are no negative out-of-body experiences, only energy manifestations I don’t currently comprehend.


I don’t waste my energy promoting or defending my perceptions of reality. I realize that those of us that know from experience will understand.


Above all, persistence is the most important attribute we possess. Daily practice and positive focused intention is the essential key.


Different Reactions to an Out-of-Body Experience

The outcome of an out-of-body experience and the vibrational state is dependent on our mind-set and response. Fear can create a negative experience, while a positive, spiritually focused reaction can manifest a self-empowering experience.


Each of us has an important choice; we can accept a host of man-made illusions and play the great form based shell game or we can decide to move inward and experience a more expansive reality. I have found the countless worlds of form to be an immense maze of deception, if you truly desire answers it is essential to go beyond the façade of the physical and astral dimensions. The interaction with and interpretation of form-based realities is an interesting game that has held our attention for countless life times. Ultimately we are drawn inward for the answers.

Each of us is a courageous explorer that has boldly entered the outer epidermis of the universe. Now our quest is to become effective explorers of consciousness and travel the path back home.

I would recommend that you create your own ideal mindset exploration list. The very process of writing your own list can be mind expanding. Do it today.

Additional Reading

View the Actions of an Effective Explorer