Actions of an Effective Explorer
- Maintain a detailed daily journal
- Release all preconceptions
- Learn to completely relax
- Clear your mind of chatter
- Surrender to all vibrational state energies
- Focus and maintain a clear intention to explore beyond your body
- Recognize that you are the creative center of your experience
- Be open and receptive to radical and fast change
- Never analyze, just surrender
- Release all man made beliefs and blocks
- Become open and aware of all subtle energy shifts
- Use your imagination / be creative
- Be fearless - you are immortal
- Acquire valid knowledge about OBEs
- Develop a greater dream and altered state awareness
- Remain calm during all unusual events during dreams, the vibrational state and separation.
- Be open minded and prepared for non physical contact and energies
- Never think about or focus on your physical body
- View sleep as an altered state and a doorway to exploration
- Move away from your body immediately after separation
- Own and exercise your unlimited creative power
- View yourself as a non form based and powerful being
- Surrender to all inner motion
- Hold your intention to have an OBE as your last conscious thought
- Daily practice of an OBE method, no excuses!
- Use "Awareness Now" as a control mantra
- Develop patience and perseverance
- Enjoy the entire process