May 2016 Astral Projection Newsletter


What we can we do today to enhance our explorations of consciousness? Whether it be through a daily practice, a change in perspective, or creating your plan for an enlightened transition, we all have the power to connect with our higher self as part of our awakening. In the article below there are some thoughts about actions you can take today to enhance your progress.

The Destination: Higher Self! workshop is approaching and I am looking forward to sharing techniques that will support your journey and help you to be a spiritual coach for a loved one. Many of you have been asking about my new book and I am pleased to say that it should be available through Amazon in mid July. Details will be released next month.

And there is a special evening event at The Monroe Institute coming up on July 9. More information is available below.

All my best,

I would like to thank everyone who has supported my first book!

Adventures Beyond the Body

This June marks the 20th anniversary of the initial printing. Over 500,000 copies have been sold around the world. Available in eleven languages, it has repeatedly been number one with Amazon for the category. 

I truly appreciate all the feedback, reviews, letters and notes that I have received over the years in support of our continued exploration of consciousness.

Looking forward to more adventures with all of you !!

The Afterlife Journey

In the afterlife, people of like mind are drawn together and share a collective vision of reality; as a group they maintain similar beliefs, self-conceptions, and states of consciousness. Their new home will be a wonderful transition from the many harsh challenges we experience in the physical world. Many of the hardships of physical life are no longer present; there is no biological decay, illness, aging, starvation, or war. At death most people joyfully accept and embrace the first nonphysical environment they experience without question and—due to a lack of knowledge—most assume that this initial reality is their heavenly home.

However, those who have acquired some level of self-knowledge while still living on Earth realize that their spiritual quest continues after death. They know that many dimensions exist and they are aware that their journey of evolution is just beginning. Most importantly they understand that their state of consciousness will influence their destination at death and their continuing journey as soul.

During my decades of OBEs I have witnessed an unexpected landscape; reality in the afterlife is not a glittering paradise overflowing with angelic beings and cities of gleaming light.  Instead, for many people it is a pleasant physical-like reflection of their past life located within the astral dimension.

We take our complete state of consciousness with us at death, so it is imperative that we obtain as much information about our afterlife journey as possible. Effective preparation for our death begins when we take full responsibility for our current mindset and our spiritual life. Accurate knowledge concerning our multidimensional nature and the thought-responsive realities we will enter and navigate is the key to our spiritually enlightened transition.

To continue your spiritual quest . . .
  Destination: Higher Self! workshop information.

Photo taken on the grounds of The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia

Photo taken on the grounds of The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia

Part Two of Personal Growth . . . 

21 Days of Personal Reflection and Transformation

Instead of living our life on auto pilot, we can begin our process of personal transformation by assigning thirty minutes each day for the next three weeks to closely examine and potentially enhance our state of consciousness. It is said that it takes 21 days to change a habit; the key is to completely open our mind and embrace change. Create a personal journal and detail your personal thoughts for each day. Ideally, invest the time and meditate on each of the issues presented.

 Day 1 - During our busy lives, few people ever stop and ask important questions such as:  What is my current state of consciousness?  What am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose for my life? Where am I going at death? What is heaven? Why do I believe what I do? What evidence supports my conclusions? Write your responses in detail.

Day 2 – Fully recognize that only your state of consciousness accompanies you at death. It is the only valuable asset in your entire existence. As immortal beings all of our physical possessions are nothing but a fleeting pile of junk. What objects and events are you attached to? Where do you focus most of your daily attention? What can you do today to enhance your awareness? Contemplate a potential change in your priorities.

Day 3 – Once every hour throughout the day, objectively observe and record your thoughts and emotions. What is the dominant tone and content of your thoughts? When you notice self-defeating or negative thoughts, begin to edit them and replace them with empowering thoughts.

Day 4 – What lessons do you continue to repeat in your life? Our personal relationships are often a lightning rod for repetition. What needs to be recognized and healed inside of you to change the dynamic and move on? Notice what issues are recurring—money, health, security, trust, commitment, etc. We must recognize and resolve all issues or they will continue to reappear throughout our lives and into our afterlife as well.

Part One of this article focused on the self-assessment process and was published in my newsletter from last month. This is an abbreviated version of the twenty one day transformation plan that is detailed in my upcoming book.

I am excited to invite you to a Special Event to be held at The Monroe Institute on
 Saturday July 9 at 7 PM.

The Path 11 production team will host a free screening of the third and final chapter in the
Path Trilogy documentary series. Following the show will be a question and answer session.

"Evolution" investigates topics such as remote viewing, multiple dimensions, out-of-body experiences and the evolution of consciousness.

Click here for more information.

I hope to see you there !

William Buhlman's Workshops at
The Monroe Institute for 2016

Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive Workshop
July 9 - July 15
September 10 - September 16
October 15 - October 21

Visit here for OBE workshop information.

Destination: Higher Self Workshop

Due to added techniques the length of this workshop has been extended !

 August 18 - August 21

Visit here for Destination: Higher Self Workshop Information

Click here for many "Share your Experience" accounts of
OBEs and other spiritual journeys.

Amazon is having a sale on the Kindle edition of

Adventures in the Afterlife. It's just $6.49 !!

To order, click here.