Frequently Asked Questions About Astral Projection
Can out-of-body experiences be proven?
Out-of-body experiences can be proven only by the participant. The ivory-tower conclusions held by many researchers are completely archaic and meaningless in the light of a single personal experience. Many people desperately attempt to fit this unique state of consciousness into their accepted model of reality. For example, several scholars have concluded that out-of-body experiences are actually lucid dreams; their conclusions conveniently fit their traditional concepts of the mind.
What does it feel like to separate from your physical body?
Many people report a high-energy vibrational feeling and temporary physical paralysis during separation; this is often accompanied by an intense buzzing, humming, or roaring sound. These sounds and sensations normally dissipate after separation is complete. The survey results provide additional information about subject.
What does the out-of-body environment look like?
The environment perceived depends upon the vibrational frequency (density) of the participant. Many people report a physical-like environment. This environment does not necessarily correspond to their immediate physical environment.
How long does it take to have an out-of-body experience?
Each person is different; however, a large percentage of people who practice daily techniques report an experience in less than thirty days.
Why should I invest my time and effort in out-of-body exploration?
The only way to know something absolutely is to experience it for yourself; anything less is theory, speculation, and belief. Out-of-body exploration offers us the unique opportunity to experience and explore beyond the limits of our physical senses. It gives us the ability to obtain firsthand knowledge of our existence.
What will my "new" body look like?
Most people report a higher-energy duplicate of their physical body. The form we experience is a direct result of our expectations and beliefs. In general, most people will see themselves as they appear in the physical world.
Will I be able to see, hear, and feel as I do now?
In your early out-of-body explorations, you will most likely experience your surroundings with a physical-like perception. Our perception capabilities are linked to our expectations; the more open we are to expanded perceptions beyond our physical senses, the more available these enhanced capabilities become. For example, some people report 360-degree vision, enhanced hearing, and the ability to read thoughts.
During my out-of-body experiences I sometimes feel out of sync and have difficulty seeing and moving. How can I overcome this?
This is commonly reported. To increase your clarity and mobility, simply demand (verbally or mentally) that your complete awareness be present: "Complete awareness now!" or "Clarity now!". Whatever personal ability or perception you need to improve your out-of-body experience can be obtained by making a firm request. Repeat your request as often as needed, and remember to make each request a firm demand for immediate results.
Will an out-of-body experience change my religious beliefs?
According to an in-depth study of 350 participants published in 1992 by Dr.Melvin Morse, "Out-of-body experiences do not seem to alter one's professed values." Many people even report that their religious beliefs have been confirmed and strengthened by their out-of-body experiences.
What is the radiant light so often reported during a near-death experience?
This is the higher-frequency light of the inner dimensions being seen by someone not accustomed to its brilliance. The light is commonly seen emanating from the entrance to a tunnel.
What is the human aura?
The aura is the energy field that emanates from all life-forms.
What is the tunnel effect reported during near-death experiences?
This is the opening of the first inner energy membrane. It occurs automatically when a person dies and moves to the interior of the multidimensional universe. The tunnel immediately closes after the individual passes through into the next dimension.
Does the biblical silver cord exist?
The biblical concept of the silver cord is accurate. According to my observations, it is not actually a cord but a thin, fibrous substance similar in appearance to a spider's web. The silver cord appears to function as the connection between the physical body and the first energy-body of all life-forms. Though its complete function is unknown, it is logical that it may act as an inner energy conduit.
Do animals have souls?
Absolutely. Without a soul (conscious energy) no living creature can exist. To be more accurate, the soul possesses and uses a biological vehicle, not vice versa.
What is the purpose of physical existence?
Physical existence allows us to learn from experience. In a sense, the physical dimension is a slowed-down molecular environment ideally suited for the training of developing consciousness. The personal challenges we encounter in our biological life are the lessons we need for our personal development. We learn by being, by doing - by firsthand experience.
How can I determine the dimension or energy level I am exploring?
In general, the more similar the immediate environment is to your physical surrounding, the closer you are to the physical dimension. As you raise your vibratory rate, you will automatically move inward within the nonphysical dimensions. The perceived environments become progressively less dense and increasingly thought-responsive as you move inward away from matter.
Can out-of-body experiences be harmful?
No. They are a natural experience reported in every culture and society of the world. In over twenty years of personal research, I have never heard of anyone being harmed or injured in any way.
Can drugs be used to induce an out-of-body experience?
The key to a valid, productive out-of-body experience is absolute mental focus and control. Without complete control, the interdimensional realities experienced during out-of-body explorations cannot be accurately distinguished from self-created internal hallucinations or imagery. Control is the key to a productive, meaningful experience, and control is the first thing lost when using any kind of mind-altering substance. I strongly believe that nonphysical explorers should not use drugs. Why contaminate your biological vehicle when effective results can be achieved naturally?
Is it possible that I won't be able to find my way back to my physical body?
No. In thousands of reported experiences there is no documented evidence of such an occurrence. We instantly return at the slightest thought of our physical body.
Can my body or mind be possessed when I leave it?
No. There is always an interactive energy connection between your physical body and your inner energy-bodies.
What is the church's official viewpoint on out-of-body experiences?
The Christian church does not have an official or unified viewpoint concerning out-of-body exploration. I have encountered a wide variety of opinions on this subject. Many theologians consider out-of-body experiences a unique spiritual blessing - a personal confirmation of their religious faith and beliefs. Others are perplexed and uncertain where such experiences may fit in their belief system. A few are inclined to fear any phenomenon they don't understand, and automatically classify out-of-body experiences as something to be avoided. Today, increasing numbers of theologians consider out-of-body explorations to be a profound spiritual experience and solid personal verification of immortality.
Every time I feel I'm about to separate from my body, a wave of intense fear overwhelms me. How can I overcome this?
This wave of fear is a common, instinctual response to a new experience. One of the best ways to overcome it is to immediately begin repeating a safety affirmation such as "I'm safe and secure," "I'm protected," or "I'm safe and calm." Any brief, positive statement that helps you relax and feel secure will be effective. As you repeat your affirmation, begin to direct your attention away from your body. This can easily be achieved by thinking about another area in your home or by saying to yourself, "I float away from my body." After a couple of successful experiences, your fear will diminish and eventually disappear.
Is out-of-body exploration safe for everyone?
Yes, with one exception. Anyone who has acute psychological problems should avoid this form of exploration. In general, people having difficulty dealing with their physical reality can only complicate the situation by introducing other realities into their lives.
What is the most important step in gaining full, conscious control of the out-of-body experience?
The key is to repeat the clarity technique whenever your awareness is hazy or out of sync. "Clarity now!" or "Awareness now!"